to learn more about our different enzyme varieties and their benefits.
The Master Conclusion
Our monthly webinar takes the master philosophy concept and reaches the final conclusion with a system-wide framework shift to understand the importance of self-identity and internal communication within the body and exactly what happens when those 2 fundamental aspects of health breakdown. We tie everything together from our 2022 examination and spring board to what 2023 holds.
Introducing the Master Philosophy, Step 1A: Create a Foundation, Start with Digestion
The goal of the new "Master Philosophy" is to focus on the categorization and utilization of the entire product line starting from the gut and moving out to the periphery. With that being said, let us begin with what we call phase 1A; the digestive system.
Whole Body through the Window of the Gut
We have come to the end of the journey that has spanned the entire year thus far, where we have examined all the major body systems through the “window” of the gut.
Understanding the Endocrine System and the Gut w/Roland Pankewich and Related Products
Well ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the end of our body system deep dive. Six months of putting connections together to see how the body, in its infinite wisdom, organizes itself to sustain its ability to express health unless we throw a wrench in things.
The Gut Respiratory Connection with Roland Pankewich
Breathe in. Now breathe out. We don’t often pay attention to this crucial process bringing oxygen into our lungs to be transferred to the body, the process of which is essential to energy production.
The Cardiovascular System and the Gut, Webinar for Healthcare Professionals
Most never think of taking care of your gut to ensure your cardiovascular system remains healthy and strong but the reality is the body is so interconnected that if we neglect one area, we essentially neglect the whole thing. -R.Pankewich
The Gut-Lymphatic Connection with Roland Pankewich
Moving through this series, understanding this interconnected nature and MORE importantly, how the body was designed to help maintain this process, makes showcasing the unsung hero of the body that much more appreciated.
Cellular Energy Metabolism Presentation by Roland Pankewich
When we think of the term energy, what often comes to mind is an athlete performing some strenuous task or the feeling we get after drinking an americano with FAR too many shots in it. While these things are connected to the concept of energy and more specifically, energy expenditure. The reality of what “energy” as a concept and processes in the body provides is MUCH more foundational.
Webinar: Digestion The Final Frontier with Roland Pankewich
Digestion is often overlooked when it comes to maintaining and supporting ones overall health but our ability to breakdown food, adsorb the needed nutrient and eliminate the waste is vital to our well-being. In this video, Roland Pankewich explains the how the digestive system works and why it is such an imperative part of our overall health and wellness.
Webinar: Detoxification versus Cleansing, what’s the difference?
Roland Pankewich breaks down the in’s and out’s of detoxification and cleansing. What’s the difference? When are they needed? How do you detox different parts of the body? It’s important to cleanse and detox to allow ones body to do what the body is capable of doing. Often environmental toxins in the water, air, or soil bog us down or heavy metals build up in ones tissues and our bodies need a supplemental push to purge the needed pathways effectively.
Webinar: Understanding the Gut Brain Axis with Roland Pankewich
With an extensive background in clinical nutrition and functional supplementation, Roland Pankewich educates for healthcare professionals on the Gut Brain Axis, what it is, how it works, and the right supplements to support it’s healthy function.
For all of our most recent videos visit our YouTube page
to learn more about our different enzyme varieties and their benefits.